Julian Arif

11 December 2012

Keep Smiling, It's Sunnah!

keep smiling

Every Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is beautiful and I would like to discuss a beautiful Sunnah of our Prophet, peace be upon him (PBUH), that is “Smiling”.

The face of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was always full of smiles and he used to talk very politely with others. Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH), said: “When you smile to your brother's face, it is charity.”

07 November 2012

Berdoalah, karena doa itu senjata

Doa adalah senjata yang sangat agung yang sering disepelekan oleh kebanyakan orang dalam banyak kesempatan. Padahal doa juga pada hakikatnya merupakan ibadah, bahkan ibadah yang paling agung, sebagaimana telah ditegaskan dalam salah satu hadis Nabi SAW.
Doa adalah senjata yang tidak pernah meleset, panah yang tidak pernah gagal mengenai sasaran serta benteng kokoh tempat berlindung seorang muslim dari tindakan orangorang jahat. Kepada siapa kita nerdoa jika bukan kepda Allah SWT?

16 October 2012

Membudayakan Bismillah

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Malam ini saya ingin mencoba mengulas tentang membudayakan membaca bismillah sebagai salah satu zikir yang agung kepada Allah SWT.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim adalah salah satu zikir yang dianjurkan untuk kita baca setiap kita akan melakukan aktifitas (yang baik). ketika kita memakai baju, makan, minum dan mengambil wudhu dan sebagainya kita dianjurkan untuk membaca bismillah. ini bentuk implementasi diri kita bahwa kita harus senantia mengingat Allah dan menghadirkan-Nya di hati kita dalam setiap aktifitas yang kita lakukan.

Allah SWT sebagai Rabb kita tidak boleh hilang dalam ingatan kita sekejap pun. Artinya, Allah tetap menjadi yang dominan  hadir dalam setiap kehidupan kita.

07 October 2012

Loving Allah: The Greatest Aspiration

Finally we come to the crux of the matter and what should be the pinnacle of our aspirations: Loving Allah. We need to put this love into perspective—why should we love Allah (swt) more than anything else? How can we do that? How do we know if we love Allah (swt)? What will this love give us?

What do people love?
It is probably impossible to find a human being who does not love. Most people love their families, spouses and friends. Others love status and money. You can tell a person’s love for something or someone by what they do and how they act.
And we love all of these things despite their temporary nature, despite the fact that they disappoint us sometimes. It is almost an intrinsic part of a human being. And we all love for similar reasons—we love people for the perceived good qualities that we see in a person or the way they treat us. We love things because of the way those things make us feel.

05 October 2012


Once there was a very handsome, pious, well educated young man, whose parents emphasized for him to get married.

They had seen so many marriage proposals, and he had turned them all down. The parents thought it was becoming a little ridiculous or suspected that he may have someone else in mind.

However every time the parents left the girls house, the young man would always say 'she's not the one!

'The young man only wanted a girl who was religious and practicing, however one evening his mother arranged for him, to meet a girl, who was religious, and practicing.On that evening, the young man, and girl, were left to talk, and ask each other questions. (As one would expect).

Ali bin Abi Thalib’s (ra) Mathematical Brilliance

Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib (karramallahu wajhah) was endowed with a quick, sharp, incisive, mathematical mind. Here are a few interesting stories in which Imam Ali’s mathematical brilliance revealed itself.

Whole Number and not a Fraction
One Day a Jewish person came to Imam Ali (krw), thinking that since Imam Ali thinks he is too smart, I’ll ask him such a tough question that he won’t be able to answer it and I’ll have the chance to embarrass him in front of all the Arabs.
He asked “Imam Ali, tell me a number, that if we divide it by any number from 1-10 the answer will always come in the form of a whole number and not as a fraction.”
Imam Ali (krw.) looked back at him and said, “Take the number of days in a year and multiply it with the number of days in a week and you will have your answer.”
The Jewish person got astonished but as he was a polytheist (Mushrik), he still didn’t believe Imam Ali (krw.). He calculated the answer Imam Ali (krw.) gave him.